More time for care ?

A slogan that has an effect on the field

A few months ago, SmartLiberty changed its slogan. Initially, since 2015, our credo was "Stay Mobile, Be Safe", which corresponded well to what we were doing on the market. Enabling mobility and safety for nursing homes residents everywhere in Switzerland. 

However, with the success of our SmartLiberty App, we have been getting more and more feedback that the purpose of our solution was to create time for care. Indeed, each function saves precious seconds and minutes: every day! The total of this time adds up to a staggering number. For example: A Neuchâtel nursing home was transmitting alarms on 5 DECT (old mobile phones). Residents generating an average of 100 alarms per day, made these 5 people move around 100 times a day, because the carers had no way of knowing who was dealing with the alarm. On-site measurements showed that most of the time it took almost 2 minutes for a notified carer to go back to work (stop the care in progress, apologise to the resident, take off the gloves, go on site, etc). 

With the introduction of the SmartLiberty solution and its Smartphone App, it has been possible to significantly reduce this lost time. Indeed, thanks to the care function, the care team is immediately informed, which takes care of going to the resident in case of an alarm. Thus, only one person moves in case of an alarm (instead of 5). The time saved is phenomenal. The nursing home saves 800 minutes of travel time every day! 

100 alarms per day x 4 notified caregivers x 2 minutes lost = 800 min time lost per day = 13.3h per day! 

And this is just one example! Thanks to digitalisation and good ideas from our customers, we try to save time wherever possible! 

So we decided to make this minute hunt our battle horse. Since 2020, our slogan is "More Time For Care"! 

With the launch of App V2.0 in early 2021, we plan to do even more to find time for the only thing that matters! Time to take care of our seniors! 

GSM vs. WLAN telephony
A smart choice for long-term care